Hey, wait a minute... This isn’t how it was supposed to go! You’re a reasonable person, but you’ve just experienced some very unreasonable things. For you it’s always in the reflexes, but not this time. You lost against Lo Pan and his minions today… but that doesn’t mean you gotta like it! Lo Pan’s plan was successful, he sacrificed Miao Yin and ascended to his true form. But have no fear, Egg has a magical artifact called the Tardisian Hourglass that can transport you and your friends through time to stop him once and for all!
The Legacy of Lo Pan expansion increases the player count to up to 6 players, who can now embark on an Epic adventure in the core game as well as experience the all-new campaign quest book! You and your pals will play through the new time travel story campaign as you race through time to get all new special rewards to use in the new final showdown to defeat Lo Pan.

Legacy of Lo Pan expansion changes how you play the game by replacing the Big Trouble track with the Timeline track. Players will use the new 39 page campaign mission book to set up each mission and to spawn enemies. The campaign
unfolds as one continuous story, but you can't experience all of it in one playthrough. Time will run out sending you to different places on the timeline each time you play!
This whole new story takes the characters you love from the film on a new adventure, with plenty of humor, fantasy and kung-fu action you would expect from Big Trouble in Little China.
Where can I buy the game?The Deluxe edition of the game is all sold out, but some copies will be available at events and conventions. UKGE will be the next convention where limited Deluxe copies should be available. The Core game is going to be availble to order onilne in June 2018.
When am I getting my pre-ordered Deluxe edition?Deluxe pre-order editions for EU/UKhave shipped out and should be on their way to you. The US and AU games are being freighted from Germany and should be getting to your local distribution centers mid May. It will then take another week or two for all the shippments to go out to customers.
When is the core game going to be available at retail?The Core game will be available at retail in June of 2018.
What do I do if my game is missing or has damaged components?No worries, just email us at info@everythingepic.us and let us know what's wrong with your game and we will take care of it right away.